Today's tale or tail is about a certain couple and their pet community. Now this couple is probably in their late 20's to early 30's, and have around 35 dogs. Yes you read 35, and I meant to type 35. Now any other serviceman out there, no matter where you live, has encountered a house that has way too many pets in their home. But where I live you don't have to own a kennel licence if you have more than say 2 or 3 dogs like in some places I've been. With that said, the dogs are all small dogs, nothing over the size of a Pomeranian, and from what I gathered are let out in shifts. Like 7 dogs are let out at a time, then another 7 etc... Almost like jail. Now when I got there I knew they had dogs, just not the amount. All the small dog yapping made me want to scream, imagine what the neighbors think? The house was a mess on the outside with 2 ft high grass next to all fencing, a couple of cars that obviously used for storage at this point. Some old plastic pieces of what might have been a child's play set, old used oil in buckets, rusted tools, you get the point. The trouble was inside, OF COURSE, and when the man of the dog house came to the door, a stink of wet dog slapped the living crap out of my nose once he slung it open. He let me in and apologized for the mess, LOL, and then showed me what I was looking for. Now the linoleum floors only clean spots were where people/animals had made a trail. Everything else was a little bit thicker and had pieces of hair and food (I think) locked into it. Stuff was stacked on top of stuff, and the amount of kennels in this place, you would have thought you were at the humane society. Now there are two desks set up next to each other and you had to take the eastward trail in the house to get to them. But the amount of money these people had spent on their computers REALLY blew my mind. You know you can hire a person to come and clean your place for a lot less than those computers cost, right?! The sad thing is after about 20 minutes in this place I could no longer distinguish good smells from bad smells, and I worry about this young couples future, if you can't smell it on you then you don't know why people are looking at you like that. And then you get a bad outlook on society and do something like get more dogs and blame everyone else. I made up the last part, they might know they stink and just don't care.