Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hey Whatca Watchin?

I'm writing this today because yesterday I went inside a house and was taken off guard by what I saw. Lets put a little backdrop on this before we just plunge into the weirdness. Pull up to the house at the end of this nice little cul de sac. Side note, here is the definition to cul de sac...A cul-de-sac (literally "butt of the sack" in French) ha ha ha, a well kept yard, nothing really out of the ordinary. I knock on the door and a gentleman probably in his mid 30's answers. After explaining that the trouble is inside, I follow him into the house. As we go through the living room I notice his TV has a soft porn movie playing on it?! Is this normal for anyone else out there? Is this proper TV guest coming in etiquette? I never heard or saw another person the whole time I was there. Hell, he didn't even seem phased by this, and it was still on when I was done about 45 minutes later. Not sure if it was the same movie or not. This in turn brings back a memory for me when I first started working here. I went into a trailer park and where I come from, trailer parks weren't as prevalent as they are here. I step into this wonderful piece of crap trailer and on the nasty cigarette burned couch laid a dirty little man. We exchanged pleasantries and as I start to pass him I noticed he was watching Jerry Springer. And automatically I say "JERRY!!!" and he says, "you like Jerry Springer?" I then start to say "Yes nothing but..." and stop myself before I say something that might really offend this guy. But really, how weird is it to see someone watching something, that is probably gonna happen to them anyways. I mean, this guy looked like he was waiting for his copy of free tickets to be on Jerry Springer. I always enjoy going into the Spanish speaking homes. No matter what the show on their TV is about, it has a half dressed crazy women in it. Never know what they are talking about, but they always seem excited.  Here are some links for examples: & Does anyone know how much fun it is trying to set up anything for a customer that has no clue what you're saying and everything they have is programmed in a different language? It's AWESOME!!! Don't believe me, go to an ATM select Spanish, and try to get money out, you might be able to get through it, but it's not easy. Now this example is only for those of you that don't speak Spanish!

And on that note, Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!