When your driving down a driveway and a man walking towards you on that same driveway, stops you and tells you "the house your looking for is the one with the crazy a$$ lady and her blank blank son. You know the trailer on the right." How do you think the job is going to go from there? Well it went even better than I expected. The same gentleman came back down the driveway and went right into the trailer about 10 minutes after our first encounter. I'd say about 45 seconds later out of the trailer he came on a cell phone. Now who he was talking to, I have no clue, but what was he saying...I heard that LOUD and clear. Every other word was a form of a curse word. Now he had variations of these words I have never heard in my life, but some seem to work out ok. Then 6-7 minutes later my customer, the son of the crazy a$$ lady, was home. He too proceeded into the trailer, and he too came out screaming expletives? Maybe she really is crazy?! The last thing I could make out was "you all's just trying to embarrass me and all I want is to get my Internet installed!!!" The whole time this is going on, and I'm trying to do my best to stay focused on my job and not the carnival that's going on out front, but wouldn't you know it a damn rooster is sneaking up behind me and trying to peck the back of my boots. He, the rooster that is, feels that I'm to close to his flock of females. So now my head has to be on a swivel, my work in front of me, a bunch of crazy people to my right and a pecker trying to come around from the rear...lmao, sorry but it's true. So tell me your cubicle job is better than mine, I think not! Now if you haven't figured it out yet, I work for a telecommunications company, and some people still to this day are paranoid about people tapping their lines. I usually get it from the ederly, since they seem to be the last ones with home phones anymore. "I think they tapped my lines, they're listening in on me!" Who are "they" and what valuable information do you have that they need to use some outdated spy like Maxwell Smart type line tapping device? So I usually tell them "they" can now do this from satelites and don't need to risk their men getting so close to the suspect. That always seems raise a little concern with said crazy person. On a different type of crazy, I had a customer once who had a pet deer, see.