The customer I'm about to write about was not a pain in the butt or anything, just more of a nuisance. He was what I like to call a follower. EVERYTHING I did, he was right there, three inches away. No matter where I walked, he was there. Now just a side note to anyone out there that might need a person to come to your house to fix something, you don't need to follow them! Most of the time they know what they are doing, and you just get in the way. Now I haven't smoked in a little over 3 years, but not this guy. Not only right up my ass, but smoking that damn cigarette right next to me. He was a mechanic that works from home, so his parts, tools, motorcycles, etc...were inside and outside the establishment. And so was a lot of other crap too, reference pic above for example. Once again I get the life story of this guy as I'm TRYING to do my job. And guess what, he's on disability, big surprise. Now this guy had many suggestions on how I could do my job better and more effectively. Why does it seem that these type of people attract or gravitate towards me? He is now fixed and happy, and I'm so glad his women never got out of bed the whole time I was there. Not the mattress you see in the picture, she had her own room, and her own mess. What is it about women and their messes? It's got a different tone to it, kinda like an unnatural feeling. Speaking of women, the other day I had a knick knack fruitcake. If you've ever seen the movie Joe Dirt, when he meets his real parents for the first time, all the clown crap they had. Imagine that but on a much larger crazy person scale. She had little trinkets of the most off the wall crap, nothing seemed to go together except the fact that they were all small. Now why would anyone put up so much stuff that is hard to dust around is beyond me. But to try and tell someone that doesn't care about each and everyone of them is just crazy talk lady. "I'm on a time schedule." I tried that 6 different times throughout the walk thru. I now know more about ceramic shelf shit than I should. I did leave her a phone number to a coworker in case she ever needs anymore help or just someone to talk too...LMAO! He has no clue, and I'm not telling him.
Hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving,