This one is just about today, nothing special, just a Saturday that went smoothly. A rarity but they do happen. It started off with having to go check a no dial tone at a Mexicans home. Ok, get there and what do you know, no one speaks English. Now as I have stated before, it's hard to communicate when neither party knows what the other is saying. But I have come to find that Spanish speaking people that don't understand English always seem to answer you with "Yes." Like, "Where are the phone jacks located?" "Yes", or "How long has it not been working?" "Yes", "Do you speak any English?" "Yes". So technically they're not lying they know yes... She showed me the other phone jack in her bedroom so that I could check this also to make sure it worked. Ok, but the babies crib is shoved up against the wall that it's on. I had to put my fingers through the rungs of the crib to get to it. I had a hard time getting it plugged in with my hands, imagine how well the baby will be able to get to it, and to the electrical plug that's right next to it, which the cordless phone is plugged into. So no safety covers for this family. "You see the baby can get to this, right?" "Yes" We got done with everything and they were happy, know how I know, they said "Yes" with a smile. I then had to go out in the country, where cell service doesn't work and the hint of cow crap is EVERYWHERE!!! I got to pet a donkey, lucky me. Donkey hair is not very fluffy, nor silky as one might think. Fix the country persons phone, went to house, no one there, win for me. No customer contact is sometimes a good thing. I then found myself going back on the other side of the county, nice 27 minute ride for me, to find that the three stooges are now moving and installing trailers. Why might you ask would I call them the three stooges? Because these dumb *&^%s took out everything hanging across the street from the pole to my customers house. Now how do you not figure that something that is at least 15 feet high in the air on the back of a trailer is not going to hit anything that might be going across the road? Who needs brains when you got a truck, Get 'er' Done. It's not just a saying around these parts, it's a way of life! I then got to clean out my van and write as I said it was a good day. Now off in 15 minutes and I gonna watch some football. Go Ravens!!!
Enjoy, Marc