The stories of normal people doing their normal things just with a southern twang.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Sifting Through the White Trash
Today I'm posting about a customer I had a week ago. The pictures above are from the customers lovely single wide. As you see from the top picture we have an idiot that installed their new metal roof on top of our aerial drop. And the bottom picture is of their back deck where my telephone box is located. If you look under all the wood there is a dark brown table, if you look close enough between the top of the table and the bottom shelf of that table is my grey box. I went there to find these things and no one home, so I left after taking these pictures stating in my remarks on the trouble ticket unsafe condition. I was called back to the residence by dispatch because customer called back in to say she was home now. When I get there I find this dirty little women in scrubs and her neighbor waiting on me with nasty looks on their faces. She had an attitude from the minute I stepped out of my van. Asking why I didn't fix the trouble when I first was there? Well after showing her everything that I found, she told me that "I could just reach over the wood on her back deck." "Do you not see the screws and nails sticking out of said wood? I am not getting a tetanus shot just to fix your phone." Then the neighbor chimes in with" you should never talk to a lady like that"...?! WHAT, it took everything I had not to come back with you show me a lady, but I didn't. I then explained if I walked across her roof and fell through, she would be liable. To which she, "replied no I won't!" So I made sure I walked VERY heavy with the heals of my boots across this wonderful roof on her wonderful trailer. Meanwhile her and her neighbor took all the wood off the back deck. Everything got fixed and I tried to be somewhat civil to this women by saying "your all fixed, I'm sorry for the inconvenience and you have a nice day." To which I got a dirty look and then a view of the back of her head. Whatever, she is a sad little women that probably cleans toilets at an old age home, hence the reason for the scrubs she was wearing. Ok now the reason for this post, she then called into my corporate office to get me in trouble for my attitude. Now as I said before her phone and internet had been fixed, so it wasn't like this was a reoccurring problem and she wanted to complain. No this was directly to get me in trouble and or maybe even fired. In this day and age where jobs alone are hard to find, but well paying jobs are that much harder to find, why would you want to do this to someone? So I'm a big believer in fate, and I truly believe what comes around, goes around. I hope some old person shits on your head, and have a nice day!
Sorry for the rant, just made me mad...but otherwise everyone enjoy your day!